How to set up REST API for Shift4Shop (formerly 3dcart)

How to set up Shift4Shop REST API
How to set up Shift4Shop REST API

REST API allows third-party applications to connect with your store and offer related features. Follow these steps to set up REST API in your Shift4Shop store:

  1. Log in to your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager.
  2. Go to Modules.
  3. Search for “rest api” to find the REST API module.
    Shift4Shop REST API module

    Shift4Shop REST API module

  4. Click the Settings button for the REST API module, you will be directed to the REST API Apps page.
  5. Click the Add button at the top right. Paste the following key 4f775f377cecc8dafcd7473ae30ad9a3 into the Public Key field, then click Save.
  6. When the Next-Cart Migration App is found, a pop-up will be displayed as below.
    Shift4Shop API Permissions

    Shift4Shop API Permissions

  7. Check the Warning box and click Authorize. If you’re using a low-resolution screen, you may need to zoom out to see the Authorize button.
  8. The Next-Cart Migration App will be listed on the REST API Apps page if it’s authorized successfully. The app can now interact with your Shift4Shop store.


  • To use the migration tool, you will need your Shift4Shop store URL. Find it under Settings > General > Store Settings, then click Manage Domain & Store Url. Use the URL in the Primary Domain or Custom Domain section. If you’ve transferred your domain to Shift4Shop, use that URL for migration.
  • If you are going to migrate orders, it’s highly recommended to turn off all email notifications under Settings > Store Settings > Checkout > Order Notification.

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