1. FAQs
  2. Migration Service
  3. Does a plugin need to be installed to complete the SEO URL migration?

Does a plugin need to be installed to complete the SEO URL migration?

For e-commerce platforms have built-in URL Redirects feature, after the migration is completed, the old URL paths will be redirected to the new URL paths automatically without the need for a third-party module. These platforms include Magento, Shopify, BigCommerce, etc.

For e-commerce platforms do not support URL Redirects by default, you will need to install a URL Redirects plugin provided by Next-Cart in order to keep the old URL paths alive and redirect to the new URL paths. These platforms include WooCommerce, WordPress, PrestaShop, OpenCart, OsCommerce, etc.

*Note: Our URL Redirects plugin will be available for download after you purchase the migration tool.

Updated on January 20, 2024

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