1. FAQs
  2. Shopping Cart Questions
  3. WooCommerce
  4. Is it possible to migrate bundle products from Magento to WooCommerce?

Is it possible to migrate bundle products from Magento to WooCommerce?

WooCommerce does not support bundle product type by default. So you need to use a Bundle Product plugin to achieve this feature in WooCommerce. Based on your Bundle Product plugin, Next-Cart will customize the migration tool to help you migrate bundle products from Magento to WooCommerce accurately.

Here are some Bundle Product plugins that we recommend:

  1. WooCommerce Composite Products: this plugin allows you to create a product package of variable products and custom options products. The plugin is officially powered by WooCommerce, the price is $99/year.
  2. WPC Composite Products for WooCommerce: this plugin functions the same as the plugin above but it has a different layout. The plugin is provided by WPClever and it’s free.
Updated on June 25, 2024

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