1. FAQs
  2. Common Errors
  3. Common issues with Kitconnect

Common issues with Kitconnect

If you have uploaded the Kitconnect package to your website but receive an error message when clicking the Next Step button, you may be experiencing one of the following issues:

Most common issues

  1. You may have entered the wrong URL of your website.
  2. You may have selected the wrong Source Cart Type or Target Cart Type.
  3. You may have forgotten to upload the kitconnect package to your website.
  4. You may have uploaded the file kitconnect.php without its parent folder kitconnect_xxx.
  5. You may have uploaded the kitconnect package into the wrong web root folder.
  6. If you are using a CDN service for your website (e.g., Cloudflare), please configure it to allow access from our migration system or to the kitconnect URL.
  7. If you have moved the website root folder to a subfolder (pub, public), please upload the kitconnect package to the new web root folder too.
  8. The kitconnect package may have wrong permissions. Please double check and correct the permissions of the kitconnect file and folder following this guide: Kitconnect does not work after it has been uploaded.
  9. If you are using the kitconnect downloaded from another account, you will get this error message: “Invalid secret token”.

Technical issues

  1. Your Nginx/Apache configuration is blocking direct access to “.php” files.
    Solution: Whitelist the kitconnect URL to resolve this issue.
  2. Your website’s database configuration file has been moved to another location.
    Solution: Create a copy of the file in its original location.
  3. There are multiple database configurations in your database config file.
    Solution: Remove any unnecessary configurations to avoid conflicts.
  4. Your SSL/TLS certificate has expired.
    Solution: Renew your certificate or temporarily use the HTTP version of the URL.
  5. Password authentication is enabled on your homepage.
    Solution: Temporarily disable it during the migration process.
  6. Your web server is blocking POST requests from remote servers.
    Solution: Whitelist our migration system to ensure the migration proceeds smoothly.

*** Note: If you are not techie or cannot resolve the issue yourself, please submit a ticket or contact us via Live Chat to get the issue solved quickly.

Updated on March 14, 2025

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